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RAIN comes to the Limpopo

RAIN comes to the Limpopo

We were delighted to host Bev Missing from RAIN last week. Her wonderful shops stock exquisite handmade bath, body and homeware products using natural ingredients with African origins. One of those ingredients is Baobab oil and we'll be featuring some of those products in future posts. Bev came to see the source of the baobab oil that […]

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The Marvellous Brewers of Marula Beer

The Marvellous Brewers of Marula Beer

Each year marula beer connoisseurs make their annual pilgrimage to the far reaches of Limpopo to visit their favourite master brewers of marula beer. It’s a womens’ traditional craft and in order to get a taste of each woman’s brew you need to go ‘homestead hopping, visiting one home after another. Each one is different and this year Sarah Venter did her own tour of marula beer mavens and found out a few secrets along the way.

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Training to assess Baobab resources in Zimbabwe

Training to assess Baobab resources in Zimbabwe

Dr Sarah Venter recently trained a group of ecologists on doing tree-health assessments in Zimbabwe. “We were looking at various aspects of baobab health that include the impact of elephants on baobab trees, bark harvesting and diseases.  This work took us all around Zimbabwe including the Hwange National Park, where the assessment team measured over 900 […]

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