2015 May: EcoProducts Foundation: creating a culture of caring

Eco Products Foundation

I decided to create the EcoProducts Foundation (a non-profit organisation) when I realised that simply providing employment to local Venda communities wasn’t enough.  I wanted to do more and decided to support early childhood development, which in these rural areas is very neglected.   In addition, the results of my PhD research revealed that goats and drought were hampering the growth of young baobab trees.   It seemed to me that the most helpful thing I could do was to focus on creating a culture of caring for both children and trees.  So I began by setting aside funds from my own business, EcoProducts, to initiate the process and in 2013, we launched the Baobab Guardians Programme.

Since EcoProducts is fortunate to have strong connections with local and international businesses, I began to hope that the EcoProducts Foundation could create a funding conduit between my customers and the communities I work with.

I have approached a few businesses so far and have been generously supported by the Bonga Foundation and Sevenhills Organics who have stepped forward to help and to offer their warmly appreciated contributions.

With funding we have received, we are now able to support two important programmes, Baobab Guardians & Baobab Pre-school.

I would be so grateful for any further contributions to theses two programmes that are close to my heart.  Please share this post with anyone you think may be inspired to make a donation – large or small.  Every little bit is so very welcome!

To find out more about each programme and how to donate, please click on the links below.

Many thanks

Sarah's signature

EcoProducts Foundation            Baobab Guardians                  Baobab Pre-school.




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