Zimbabwean Entrepreneur To Create Global Market For Baobab

According to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency’s Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI), the European market for baobab ingredients is expected to grow by 4% in the coming years. Other studies put the expected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) at anything between 5.6% (Global Market Insights) to 9.4% (Market Research Future).

Gus Le Breton and his partner established B’Ayoba in 2012, to “specifically try and turn baobab into a resounding commercial success”. Since then, the market has quadrupled or quintupled in size, he says. “We have definitely made a lot of progress but we are not there yet. It has frustrated me that baobab has not had as rapid a market uptake as I would obviously have liked to have seen.”

B’Ayoba is poised to capitalise on the expected growth. Le Breton hopes the inflection point will come soon.


Read the full story here.


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