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Bioprospecting – what does it mean?

Bioprospecting – what does it mean?

What is a bioprospecting permit?  And why is EcoProducts Bioprospecting permit such a big deal? On the 12 November 2013, EcoProducts was issued with a Bioprospecting permit from the South Africa Department of Environment Affairs. So what, you may ask, is this all about? South Africa has introduced laws that make it illegal to harvest […]

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2017 Jan: donation brings joy to Tshedza & Zwigodini creches

2017 Jan: donation brings joy to Tshedza & Zwigodini creches

We’re so grateful for the generosity of Nancy Nehoray who has donated to two Pre-school creches in rural areas of the Limpopo. Creches and pre-schools are sadly neglected when it comes to basic resources for the children. So it’s always BIG news when we receive donations for much needed equipment and facilities.

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Ecoproducts and Esse support rural crèche

Ecoproducts and Esse support rural crèche

One of the villages where some of our harvesters live has a little crèche which is so needed while mothers go out to work.  Yet they have so very little in the way of even basic resources for busy, active, growing little children.   Recently on one of my monitoring trips, I was able to take some chairs […]

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